środa, 6 grudnia 2017

New Lamborghini Urus

   Lamborghini is an SUV brought to us by Lamborghini. The car was recently unvieled, on 4th of December to be exact. The production is set to start next February.
   The car is powered by a new 4.0L V8, producing 641hp, designed by Lamborghini, solely for this car (in the future we might see it being used in new models).
   The car brought a lot of controversy to the automotive world. Lamborghini alreay had a go at designing Special Utility Vehicles. In the past, they have released a monstrosity named LM. The car turned to be a fail, being uncomfortable, tight inside and far from being fuel efficient, which later failed and is now being sold as a rare classic, for prices such as 150000$. That is why everyone wants to know what Lamborghini has managed to do on their drawing boards. There are people thinking that there is no place for an SUV in the Lamborghini line-up. In my opinion, before saying anything we should wait until first customers receive their models.

The new Lamborghini Urus

In my opinion the overall design is stunning 
compared to most other SUVs