niedziela, 11 marca 2018

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental?

Definitely yes. It would be a nice adventure and a possibility to discover how the rich “exist”. Especially since the price of 600 £ is much less than I have expected. Spending a night or two wouldn’t result in going bankrupt for an everyday person. It might also just be a very good vacation. You don’t hava to worry about anything and there’s always someone to assist you. It might help you relieve stress and help you relax. I’m also very curious as to how good the food served in their restaurant really is.

Is it possible that we will stop being a throwaway society?

The possibility of us stopping being a throwaway society is usually met with doubts. I think that it is very unlikely. Even in the past, our ancestors would simply dump anything they no longer want or need. It is the same with animals. If no longer need something whats the point in keeping it? The art of recycling has improved big time recently, allowing us to reuse even more resources. We wont ever stop throwing things away. We can only try to throw away less.

Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology, ghosts if they have science?

I think that the main reason is the fact that we seek explanation for everything we don't understand. Even the slightest, stupidest thing. What is more, we like to believe that the world is not randomised based on our choices, but that there's something dictating the outcome. Back in the day people would come up with many things just to make their lives a little bit easier to comprehend the beliefs dont tend to die out easily, so they were passed onto other generations, hence people in the modern world like to have their own understanding of some things.