poniedziałek, 12 lutego 2018

Should people spend money on space exploration?

   In my opinion this is quite a tough one. I am not a scientist or a physicist of any kind, but I'll try to make my arguments sound good.
   To begin with, I consider space exploration something essential. We still don't know much about space. We've barely touched it. We don't know what lies ahead of us. We might find new life forms or a solution to the problems we have. We might find new useful minerals. What is more, by developing new space shuttles etc. aviation may benefit, which will result in better travel.
   To sum up, in my opinion we need to explore space even if it involves money and sacrifice, because it will help us achieve a nicer future.

1 komentarz:

  1. Very clever and well written paragraph.
    Keep up the good work.
