niedziela, 23 września 2018

Social media may harm human communication

Humans are one of the most social organisms on Earth. We interact with other people on a daily basis. Each day we are around hundreds and hundreds of people. However, this does not mean that we talk to everyone. Nowadays, people use texting as their main way of exchanging information about our lives. We call only when something can't wait or is very important. Instead of meeting up to talk face to face we prefer to text the other person, whether we are looking for advice, have a bad or we're just bored. Back in the day people would communicate mostly by talking in person, which positively impacts how we act around other people, makes us less shy. Talking with people face to face often might make you more comfortable when giving speeches for example, or when you have to give someone some kind of bad news, if your main form of communication is texting, you may becomeshy when talking to newly met people, or others will just find talking with you boring and not interesting, especially if you're acting different than you do when texting. There are some tough topics that you just shouldn't text about. Relationships, losing a loved one, simply giving bad news or talking about a tough topic. It might be that in the future we will avoid face to face interaction and just stick to communicating online, which is not a good way of socialising.

1 komentarz:

  1. If it's so bad, why do half of you have to be literally forced to put your smartphones away?
    Avoid sequences like this one which should be divided into three sentences ("Talking with people face to face often might make you more comfortable when giving speeches for example, or when you have to give someone some kind of bad news, if your main form of communication is texting, you may becomeshy when talking to newly met people, or others will just find talking with you boring and not interesting, especially if you're acting different than you do when texting. )
