środa, 17 października 2018

People are being encouraged to use public transport even though it's already running at it's full capacity.

There a lot of campaigns which are meant to encourage people to use public transport instead of commuting with their cars. However, during rush hours Warsaw's tansport is being literally overflooded with human mass. Sometimes you need to give the bus a pass, beacuse you can't fit in there. If more people started using public transport, people eventually will realise that it's inconvienient beacause of the crowds and switch to cars, then they might eventually switch back to public transport, and then the other people will switch to cars. We might fall in a loophole. We shouldn't expect more people to use public transport until we improve it's capacity. I am not saying that public transport in Warsaw is bad, I just think it should be able to fit more passengers.

1 komentarz:

  1. Interestingly, most of my foreign friends who stay in Warsaw for some time are absolutely delighted with our public transport. They say it's reliable, clean and comfortable. Maybe the rush-hour crowds is the norm. Look at the Tokyo underground.
