poniedziałek, 25 lutego 2019

How ants are used for agriculture in Thailand | BBC Earth


Thai farmers have found a way to use the species of Weaver Ant in a way that benefits both parties. Farmers keep them on their, for example, mango farms (this example was shown in the video) and help them build nests and even build special bridges made from rope to help the ants travel from tree to tree. In the place of their nests, ants build strands of silk, and their eggs are a Thai delicacy and are harvested by farmers and then eaten. 

-foraging: Thanks to civilization and development we don’t have go foraging for food, we can go to the supermarket instead. 

niedziela, 4 listopada 2018

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more popular?

I think that this is a very complicated topic. It might be because people are craving change. A change for something better. They associate past governments with not being able to appeal to their expectations, so they decide to choose alternative ways. Something that they have never tried before. Sometimes, in countries like Brazil, which are on the verge of collapse, people might realize that the only way to fix their country is by using force, which in a way makes sense. We need to remember that the people decide to elect these politicians. It's their decisions and what the majority considers good.

środa, 17 października 2018

People are being encouraged to use public transport even though it's already running at it's full capacity.

There a lot of campaigns which are meant to encourage people to use public transport instead of commuting with their cars. However, during rush hours Warsaw's tansport is being literally overflooded with human mass. Sometimes you need to give the bus a pass, beacuse you can't fit in there. If more people started using public transport, people eventually will realise that it's inconvienient beacause of the crowds and switch to cars, then they might eventually switch back to public transport, and then the other people will switch to cars. We might fall in a loophole. We shouldn't expect more people to use public transport until we improve it's capacity. I am not saying that public transport in Warsaw is bad, I just think it should be able to fit more passengers.

niedziela, 23 września 2018

Social media may harm human communication

Humans are one of the most social organisms on Earth. We interact with other people on a daily basis. Each day we are around hundreds and hundreds of people. However, this does not mean that we talk to everyone. Nowadays, people use texting as their main way of exchanging information about our lives. We call only when something can't wait or is very important. Instead of meeting up to talk face to face we prefer to text the other person, whether we are looking for advice, have a bad or we're just bored. Back in the day people would communicate mostly by talking in person, which positively impacts how we act around other people, makes us less shy. Talking with people face to face often might make you more comfortable when giving speeches for example, or when you have to give someone some kind of bad news, if your main form of communication is texting, you may becomeshy when talking to newly met people, or others will just find talking with you boring and not interesting, especially if you're acting different than you do when texting. There are some tough topics that you just shouldn't text about. Relationships, losing a loved one, simply giving bad news or talking about a tough topic. It might be that in the future we will avoid face to face interaction and just stick to communicating online, which is not a good way of socialising.

wtorek, 18 września 2018

The fact that you're not the best, doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud

The 2018 World Cup ended with a victory for France and Croatia taking the 2nd place. Even though they lost, Croatian people were so overwhelmed by the succes of their team, that they didn't care that they lost, advancing to the finals was a huge shock for them to begin with. It might even be that Croatians appreciated their 2nd place more than France appreciated their win. The final match took place during my stay in Croatia so I had a chance to visit the fan-zone full of Croatian and French people. After the match the fans showed no hostility towards each other, in fact both nationalities cheered together. I think that this shows that even though we might not be the best at something, the only thing that matters is how much work you had to put into this thing and whether you can truly appreciate it.

niedziela, 13 maja 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter in order to apply for the job I saw advertised online. I would be really grateful if You would consider my application for this vacancy.
I am a 16 year old high-school student, living in Manchester. I live about 10 minutes from  your company. After finishing school I hope to find a job in accounts, so this job is a great opportunity for me to gain experience which undoubtedly will be helpful in my future career.
In the past I have worked in McDonalds as a cashier, so I have experience in working as a team. What is more I enjoy studying math and am a decent student in school.
When it comes to my personality, I would describe myself as a calm, but decisive person. I enjoy working as a team, but I do not mind working by myself. I consider myself a good listener, but from time to time I like to add something from myself.
If you would like me to come for an interview, I am available any time of the week. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Sorry for the post being so overdue, I had it prepared as a MS Word file, but forgot to post it.

poniedziałek, 16 kwietnia 2018

Would you consider going vegan?

I personally can't imagine myself going full vegan. The biggest disadvantage of the switch would be the constant need to be aware of what you're ordering when eating out. What's more, I dont have time to prepare proper, vitamin rich vegan meals. Places like the school cantine hardly ever offer a vegan menu, same goes for some hotels etc. When buying animal products I always look for the ones which caused the least harm to animals, however excluding meat from my diet, at least today, is something that I don't think would go well.